AEM urges infrastructure spending as recovery boost

Association says spending on needed projects can “jump start” the U.S. economy.

A senior director of the Milwaukee-based Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM) says the association is “doubling down” on its efforts to urge the United States Congress to boost federal infrastructure spending.

In a mid-June press release, Kate Fox Wood, the AEM’s senior director of government relations, says federal infrastructure investment should play a key part in the economic recovery from the coronavirus pandemic.

Fox Wood says AEM board members and staff have been in contact with President Trump, Congressional leadership, U.S. Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao and others in Washington “urging them to include infrastructure investment” and to ensure “Congress follows through with infrastructure investment this year.”

“There is a proven track record for predictable, long-term infrastructure investment in providing jobs and boosting economic activity,” writes Fox Wood. “Infrastructure investment ensures critical supply chain needs can continue to be met now and in the future.”

Concludes the AEM staff member, “As policymakers chart a path forward during these uncertain times in our nation’s history, one thing is clear: meaningful investment in infrastructure is as important as ever. Equipment manufacturers look forward to advancing this goal, and continuing to support industries that build, feed and fuel the world.”