Tossed Aside

Indiana Recycling Coalition launches media campaign to raise public awareness about end-of-live electronics.

The Indiana Recycling Coalition has launched its first piece in a statewide media campaign to educate state residents about the hazards and options for managing discarded electronics.


The new Web site serves as a “one-stop-shop” for information about why electronic scrap can be toxic, proper ways to manage end-of-life electronics and how to purchase safer and more environmentally sound electronic devices in the future.


“Many people do not realize that there are at least five toxic materials found in today’s electronics,” Michelle Cohen, executive director of the Indiana Recycling Coalition (IRC), says. She adds, “For instance, older computer monitors and televisions contain at least four pounds of lead. In normal use, these items pose little health and environmental risk, but when it comes time to discard them, they can create an environmental mess.”


The IRC has developed its e-scrap awareness campaign around the idea that while Hoosiers may want the newest electronic devices, they leave a legacy of unwanted or outdated electronics that must be properly managed to ensure the protection of the environment and the safety of Indiana residents.


In January, the IRC will undertake a statewide education campaign, including radio and television advertisements, billboards, newspaper ads and more. According to the IRC, the goal of the campaign is to reach all the businesses, institutions and individuals who use electronics with a message that electronics are toxic and that laws, risks and responsibilities are associated with their disposal. The IRC hopes to encourage residents to properly manage their end-of-life electronics. 


The IRC is an Indiana not-for-profit organization promoting waste reduction, reuse and recycling issues statewide since 1989.