Carton Council research highlights recycling education’s importance

The organization’s biennial national survey shows a decline in consumer confidence in recycling.

Three blank white beverage cartons on a white background.

Mirexon |

New research conducted by the Carton Council of North America claims consumers need more recycling education.

The Denton, Texas-based organization’s biennial national survey reveals a decline in confidence that “mainstream materials” can be recycled and that recycling still is important. It also reveals small percentage drops across all commodities in consumers reporting they are confident materials are accepted in their recycling programs. This same trend is evident when they report if they always recycle those items.

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According to the report, 92 percent of respondents say they still support recycling, but those who marked recycling as “important and a priority” decreased by six percentage points, while the perception of it being “somewhat important” increased by three percentage points. The Carton Council says this suggests recycling remains a priority, albeit a less pressing one.

“Even a slight decrease in recycling focus can have a significant impact,” says Larine Urbina, vice president of communications at the Carton Council. “These findings are a reminder that ongoing education is essential.”

The report claims the greatest barrier to recycling is uncertainty about what materials can be recycled. For food and beverage cartons, over one-third of respondents who report they don’t regularly recycle their cartons cite uncertainty as their primary reason. To tackle this, the Carton Council suggests consumers us the address locator at to find local carton recycling options.

Product packaging and community websites remain the top two sources consumers look to when determining a package’s recyclability, the report says, emphasizing the need for accurate and accessible on-pack recycling instructions and up-to-date local websites from those running recycling programs.

The study, conducted by Hill & Knowlton, surveyed nearly 9,000 participants who have access to curbside recycling programs. More information about the survey can be found here.