Scrap Metal Services receives scrap yard management contract in Europe

Contract is with Aperam Stainless Belgium’s Genk facility.

Scrap Metal Services LLC (SMS), headquartered in Burnham, Illinois, and its mill services division, SMS Mill Services LLC, have announce that their new affiliate, Scrap Metal Services Belgium BVBA, has been awarded the contract to manage the on-site scrap management and processing operation for the Aperam Stainless Steel facility in Genk, Belgium.

Aperam is a global player in stainless, electrical and specialty steel, with customers in more than 40 countries. The company has 2.5 million tons of flat stainless and electrical steel capacity in Brazil and Europe and is a leader in high-value specialty products. Aperam has a highly integrated distribution, processing and services network and the capability to produce stainless and specialty steels from low-cost biomass (charcoal). Its industrial network is concentrated in six production facilities in Brazil, Belgium and France. In 2017, the company had sales of $5.1 billion and steel shipments of 1.94 million tons.

Aperam and SMS share the common goal of providing quality and service in all aspects of business, including a commitment to the health, safety and well-being of employees, sustainability and environmental management, SMS says in a news release announcing the contract.

This contract marks SMS’ entry into Europe. The company operates scrap processing, steel mill services, ship dismantling and recycling and intermodal/truck/railcar dismantling facilities throughout the United States. SMS provides full-service scrap management, consulting and purchasing services to industrial scrap generators and demolition contractors and is a supplier of ferrous and nonferrous scrap commodities to domestic and international consumers, offering brokerage and trading services to other scrap companies. Together with its affiliates, SMS has multiple operations in the United States and Mexico.

SMS Mill Services LLC provides mill support, processing and management services for metals producers.