October “Flex and the City” event in Italy will cover the use of recycled tyres in asphalt

One-day conference is sponsored by three organizations.

ETRA, the European Tyre Recycling Association, in co-operation with ANTEL, the National Association of Local Authority Technicians, and ARGO, the Italian Recyclers Association, are hosting the seminar Flex & the City, Rubberised Asphalt and Recycled Tyre Products and Applications for Roads and Urban Furniture.

The event will be held in Treviso, Italy, on October 22, at the head office of the Sant’Artemio provincial offices complex.

Event organizers say the seminar is designed to illustrate the many uses of recycled tyre rubber in road and urban furniture applications, highlighting the flexibility of use and the high performance of the materials. Topics will include the uses of rubberized asphalt and reinforced concrete and the impacts of these materials in the reduction of road and rail vibration as well as noise insulation.

The programme will bring together representatives from the tyre recycling sector with the operators and developers, as well as the technicians involved in public works, as speakers and discussants. The target audience includes developers, implementers, engineers and technicians in the public and private sectors who design and install public works, as well as ETRA and ARGO members who produce and provide the raw materials for the projects.

The venue is a palace in the Treviso surroundings, situated in the Storga Park, that will accommodate 250 delegates, with space for product exhibitions and posters, event organizers say.

The event will offer:

  • A one day seminar of four sessions from 9 am to 5 pm, with coffee break and lunch buffet
  • Qualified participants from public and private companies as well as the public administration
  • Speakers and experts covering critical fields of civil engineering
  • Comparison of different experiences from various bodies and countries
  • A range of recycled rubber products designed to meet the demands of public administrations
  • Project disseminations and updates
  • Networking opportunities
  • Space is available to display posters, brochures and products
  • Seminars presented in English and Italian

For additional reservation and event information, email back-office@etra-eu.org.