Davis Index launches

Market intelligence service includes more than 900 proprietary price indexes across 80 countries for the metals recycling industry.

Davis index website

Davis Index, a global commodity price reporting agency, has launched a market intelligence publication built solely for the metals recycling industry. The service includes more than 900 proprietary price indexes for 80 countries, as well as metals futures prices and other reference data, the company says. It also provides local coverage of markets in the U.S., U.K., Germany, Spain, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Japan, South Korea and Vietnam.

“In terms of depth and breadth of coverage, accuracy, cost and functionality, Davis Index is in every sense a disruptor,” says Sean Davidson, Davis Index founder and CEO. “Existing services are frequently inaccurate and consistently overpriced. The recycling industry needed a tool that represents the materials they actually trade—a tool that it can access and use in its efforts to preserve and improve margin. Davis Index is that asset. This is the price information service that the industry has waited 30 years for.”

Davis Index’s focus is to provide accurate price indexes for free-market scrap metal and secondary alloys that are not listed on exchanges but that drive global trade, the company says. The service includes indexes for ferrous and nonferrous scrap, bulk and container freight, secondary alloys and, for some specific countries, finished and semifinished steels. Each price index follows International Organization of Securities Commissions compliance guidelines.

Davis Index says its proprietary indexes are built for a variety of users:

  • manufacturers for use in sales contracts of the scrap generated during the making of any metal-intensive product from fencing to cars and from hammers to airplanes;
  • recyclers for use to enter supply contracts with mills and smelters;
  • mills and smelters for use to enter supply contracts with their end consumers, such as die-casters and automotive original equipment manufacturers;
  • importers, exporters and traders for users to stay informed on markets in the various countries they are active in;
  • governments for use in tax and duty benchmarking; and
  • equity analysts for use in margin analysis.

Davis Index publishes nearly 800 metals price indexes on a weekly basis, 90 daily indexes, and more than 100 monthly indexes. Data is available through a customizable web platform, www.DavisIndex.com, and through twice-daily reports: Davis Index Recycling Asia and Davis Index Recycling Global. Both reports and access to the web platform are currently offered at $799 per year, per user. The fee also includes functional licenses to use the data in contracts, the company says.

 While the complete Davis Index platform opens to public access today, it was first announced at select recycling industry events earlier this month. The Davis Index Recycling Asia service was debuted during the Material Recycling Association of India’s annual convention in New Delhi Feb. 9. Less than a week later, the Davis Index Recycling Global service debuted during the Washington-based Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries’ Consumers’ Night in St Louis Feb. 14.

Davis Index is headquartered in Singapore, with offices in Canada, India, Mexico, Singapore, Ukraine and the U.S.A.