BIR committee begins work on e-scrap study

E-scrap Committee to look at WEEE generation and flows.

During the meeting of the Brussels-based Bureau of International Recycling (BIR) E-Scrap Committee 24 May 2017 in Hong Kong, it was revealed that work had begun on the BIR E-Scrap Committee’s meta study of available information relating to global e-scrap generation and flows. A consultant at the Harokopio University of Athens, Greece, is assisting in the study.

The committee aims to present the findings of the study at the BIR World Convention in New Delhi in October.

According to the committee, the desktop study will entail a review of existing reports and data relating to the reuse and recycling of household appliances and various forms of electronics, an assessment of the quality of the data and compilation of generation and flow information by country and region.

“I am confident this will be useful to BIR members,” said E-Scrap Committee Chairman Thomas Papageorgiou of Anamet SA in Greece.