Carpet groups extend stewardship program

CARE, CRI will support the program through 2017.

The Carpet and Rug Institute (CRI) and the Carpet America Recovery Effort (CARE ) are extending the Voluntary Product Stewardship (VPS) Program that has been designed to assist sorters of post-consumer carpet divert material from landfills. After having supported the program in 2015 and 2016, the extension will provide funding through 2017.

The VPS Program is market-based and designed to accept and manage all applicable post-consumer carpet, regardless of polymer type or primary materials or construction. The program provides financial assistance to qualified U.S. sorters who divert post-consumer carpet.

"CRI is pleased to continue to offer financial support for the VPS Program," says Dan Frierson, CRI’s chairman. "Our members are participating voluntarily as part of our government relations activities, and have committed $4 million for the program's third year. The VPS Program will serve as a bridge for sorters as new technologies and applications are developed to increase market-driven demand for all post-consumer carpet."

CARE will act as the stewardship organization for the VPS Program.

"The VPS Program has been a key step in our mission to divert more carpet from U.S. landfills," says Brendan McSheehy, CARE's chairman. "Sorters may use funds from the program to partner with their customers to divert carpet and recycle carpet back into useful consumer products, such as recycled carpet fiber, carpet cushion, broadloom, carpet tiles and a wide range of plastic products."

Sorters who qualify for financial assistance can expect to continue receiving funds without interruption, and the fourth quarter 2017 fund payments will be completed in the first quarter of 2018.

Sorters may qualify for funds by completing all required documents and submitting quarterly reports on their business results to CARE.

For more information, click here.