General Kinematics: Optimize density separation with the DE-STONER

Learn about the benefits of the DE-STONER.

gk de-stoner air classifier

Built to handle any density separation challenge, General Kinematics’ DE-STONER® is adaptable to various materials, processes large volumes and is practically jam-resistant. The DE-STONER® combines vibrational technology, fluidization and classification to provide the best possible material separation results.

The DE-STONER® also: 

  • eliminates environmental hazards associated with water separation;
  • saves energy with a low-horsepower motor and GK’s proven Two-Mass Design;
  • requires less maintenance; and
  • easily separates fines, heavies, lights and ultra-lights.

Contact a GK expert to learn more about the DE-STONER® and how it can help you optimize density separation.